SLATEC — live concert trailer

SLATEC is the latest project by Roman Sladek, the bandleader of the Jazzrausch Bigband. He has brought together seven soloists from his unique techno big band and within SLATEC those seven musicians merge into a kind of super organism that designs creative trap and techno music in real time. This opens up a new musical world that is as close to the origins of jazz as it is to the future of electronic dance music. Driven by two drums, percussion, bass, trombone, and voice, the swarm of musical intelligence drives the audience into a collective techno ecstasy. This unique show with electronic and jazz inspired beats & instrumental improvisation is going to happen under the dome of the ESO Supernova Planetarium & Visitor Centre



À propos de la vidéo

Date de publication:11 février 2020 11:03
Durée:52 s
Frame rate:25 fps

À propos de l'objet



For Broadcasters