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Artists at ESO

World-renowned cellist Yo-Yo Ma at Paranal Observatory Credit: G. Hüdepohl/ESO

As a unique and major scientific infrastructure in the Atacama Desert, ESO is aware of its attractiveness to diverse and interdisciplinary communities. Therefore, ESO welcomes artists from its 16 member states, Australia as a strategic partners and Chile as host state.

ESO aims to support art + science initiatives that involve the creation of pieces, exhibitions or projects (audiovisual, transmedia, paintings, illustration, sculpture, installations) or artistic research around science, technologies, knowledge, infrastructure or geography related to ESO operations.

ESO is committed to connecting the diverse and interdisciplinary people that visit the observatory with its territory and local communities. Therefore, ESO only accepts proposals that include the development of a local project in the cities of Taltal or Antofagasta (in case of a Paranal visit) or in the cities of La Higuera or La Serena-Coquimbo (in the case of La Silla). These can be a workshop, talk or intervention. ESO can collaborate with some funding if justified.

Protocol for artists in residence

ESO evaluates each request individually and periodically via webpage. The following form should be completed giving details of the scope of the project, scientific or technical interests related to the project, days requested, estimated audience and characterization of the audience.

ESO can provide liaison with local actors such as public libraries or venues for an exhibition or talk. ESO provides accommodation at the observatory for up to 2 nights meals and transportation from Antofagasta / La Serena airports to the sites back and forth.

Vist request form