Distant Worlds — Alien Life?

"Distant Worlds - Alien Life?", originally "Ferne Welten - fremdes Leben?", is a joint production by the planetariums in Münster, Bochum, Kiel, Mannheim, Osnabrück und Wolfsburg, produced at LWL-Planetarium Münster.

The graphics were in part rendered from "Digital Sky 2" (Sky-Skan Inc.)

We politely ask our users to email the producer if you download the show. The show is free to use but we invite those who use it and like it to make a small donation to the GDP planetarium society.

A trailer is available on this link.


The show and all accompanying material is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License: creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/4.0/

LWL-Planetarium Münster in cooperation with the planetariums in Bochum, Kiel, Mannheim, Osnabrück and Wolfsburg, hereby grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to exhibit these materials publicly and privately at your facility for perpetuity.

These materials are provided "as is" and without any warranty or condition, whether express, implied or statutory.  In no event will the LWL-Planetarium be liable for any lost profits or other consequential, incidental or special damages (however arising, including negligence) in connection with the use of these materials.

By using these materials I acknowledge that the LWL-Planetarium owns the copyright to the script, soundtrack, and all frames, files, and file sequences related to this content and retains all exclusive rights to the materials.  I agree to display the provided credits after each public performance or exhibition. I also agree not to sell, lease, loan, sub-license, or otherwise redistribute any of these materials in their entirety or in part without the express written permission of the LWL-Planetarium Münster.


Czech version: Planetárium Ostrava

Italian version: Planetarium Südtirol/Alto AdigeCarlo-Emanuele Esposito and Tonstube

Hindi version: Sri Sathya Sai Space Theatre

Telugu version: Sri Sathya Sai Space Theatre

Polish surround version:

  • Translation: Marzena Feind
  • Narration: Artur Catunan
  • Recording manager: Gerd Thiele
  • Produced by the Planetarium Cottbus

Polish stereo version:

  • Narration and production: Olsztyńskie Planetarium i Obserwatorium Astronomiczne

French version:

Russian version:

  • Produced by Planetarium of Kazan Federal University
  • Translation - Svetlana Sherstobitova, Ildar Garaev
  • Editor - Dr. Roman Zhuchkov, Associate Prof. of Kazan Federal University Astronomy and Space Geodesy Department
  • Russian version produced by Ildar Garaev, Narrator - Venera Berdnikova

Catalan version:

  • Produced by Cel Obert
  • Narration: Uriel Marco


LWL-Planetarium Münster

Über das Video

Veröffentlichungsdatum:4. Juni 2016 18:03
Dauer:52 m 30 s
Frame rate:30 fps

Über das Objekt



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Broadcast Audio